Вот какое мне прислали письмо:
Dear Alumilite Customer,
Alumilite would like to let you know that we are in the process of constructing a new website to be up and running soon. We are hoping to transfer all data from this website to the new one. If this is not possible we just wanted to let you know that you may have to create a new accout when the new web site is up. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions we will be happy to help. Give us a call at 1-800-447-9344.
Thank you,
Alumilite Corp.
аха... Алюмилите с новым сайтом.. с доставкой EMS.... че-то больно вся радужно.. и Заоль тебе и полиуретан...
Dear Alumilite Customer,
Alumilite would like to let you know that we are in the process of constructing a new website to be up and running soon. We are hoping to transfer all data from this website to the new one. If this is not possible we just wanted to let you know that you may have to create a new accout when the new web site is up. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions we will be happy to help. Give us a call at 1-800-447-9344.
Thank you,
Alumilite Corp.
аха... Алюмилите с новым сайтом.. с доставкой EMS.... че-то больно вся радужно.. и Заоль тебе и полиуретан...
а что.. сообразим на троих банку СПБ?
И граф хочет.. просто он еще об этм не знает
Кстати у меня\ проклюнулся толи Гэндзи то ли Фукакуса... к фукакусе еще Низде неплохо бы.. в общем амба...